LGCC Membership

Membership goes beyond simply attending church; it’s about stepping into a deeper level of commitment and belonging. It’s a personal decision to actively participate in advancing the Kingdom of God as part of the LGCC church family. While attending connects you to the life of the church, membership is a declaration that you’re all-in, ready to partner with Jesus in His promise to build His church. This formal step invites you to become a ‘co-labourer’ with Him, working alongside others to stimulate healthy growth and make a lasting impact.

 Understanding LGCC Membership

Video 1: Understanding Membership

Video 2: What is Elim?

Video 3: The Local Church

Register for LGCC Membership

Letting us know you are interested in Membership is an important next step. By filling in this form you’ll be able to attend the LGCC Membership Class, which happens on Zoom.

 Here are some useful next steps…

Fill in the Form

Filling in the form is your first step to becoming an LGCC Member. Following this, you will be sent an invitation to meet Pastors and Elders.

Discover your purpose

You are born to make a difference and our desire is that everyone serves according to their gifts and purpose.

Join a Team

Once you know and understand your gifts you can use those to serve the church family and make a difference. [COMING SOON]

Membership FAQs

  • There are some really important things we value for all members.

    1. Be born again

    2. Be aged 16 or over (parents/ guardians are able to register children who are 15 and under as junior members)

    3. Have been in regular attendance at corporate worship for three months or more

    4. Have been water baptised as a believer. If you’re not baptised pleased find out more at mylgcc.com/baptism

    5. Not be a member of another church

    6. Not be involved in another religion or alternative spirituality

    7. Subscribe to the foundational truths of the Elim Pentecostal Church

  • In short, yes and these include:

    1. Being full supportive of the mission, objectives and vision of our church

    2. Being willing to submit to the good counsel, instruction and discipline of our church, as expressed through our Senior Pastor and his leadership team

    3. Being committed to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ

    4. Being committed to regular attendance at LGCC

    5. Having a desire to live according to and uphold the values of Scripture committing to a life that glorifies Jesus and avoiding unwilful sinful practices as the Bible and our conscience forbid. This includes, though is not limited to, the practicing of complete chastity before marriage and complete fidelity in heterosexual marriage

    6. Committing to our local fellowship in time, talents and treasure, including regular financial giving of tithes and offerings, and participation in voluntary service (ideally through involvement in one church team).

  • Many people call LGCC their home and we love that. When you becomes a member it’s a public demonstration that you belong to this local church. There are also certain things that we communicate to members that we don’t communicate to all attendees such voting for elders and finance updates.

  • That is absolutely fine and there is no pressure to become a member of LGCC. We hope that you will still be able to call LGCC home.

  • Once you’ve filled in the form it will be passed onto the Senior Leadership Team. They will then be in touch with you regarding any next steps.

  • Our hope is that before you stop attending you will be able to have a conversation with one of our Pastors. However, if you stop attending without a conversation after six months your membership will come to an end.