The Bible is full of ways God has given us to flourish whatever our circumstances. We believe our faith impacts every area of our lives as we invite Him in
Join us for ‘Let’s Talk’ as we discuss some key areas that we all have to journey with.
Let’s Talk… Suffering
How do make sense of evil and suffering and find hope Where is God in all the Suffering?
In this weeks Let’s Talk, Amy Orr-Ewing gives a heartfelt yet academically rigorous examination of how different belief systems deal with the problem of pain. She explains the unique answer that is found in Christ and how He can give us hope in the reality of suffering.
Let’s Talk… Faith and Politics
It is a moment of change in our nation as we head towards a general election. Over the next few week, politicians from different parties will be making promises. As Christians how are we to engage in politics?
During this season disagreement is unavoidable but division is a choice- how do we stay united as a church even when we disagree politically?
Let’s Talk… Pentecost
This week, Pastor Carl explained the meaning of Pentecost. Pentecost marks the fiftieth day after the crucifixion, when the Holy Spirit was poured out over the Church. When the Holy Spirit filled His Church He gave us access to His power and He empowers us to live righteously, supernaturally and on mission.
Let’s Talk… Human Flourishing
Scripture sets out a clear vision of human flourishing for individuals, families, communities and wider society. Christians in leadership need confidence in the Biblical definition of human flourishing before they can step into the public space around them effectively.
What is human flourishing for an individual, for a leader, for a family, for a community, for a church or a charity, and for our public spaces? What are Christian foundations for 'the Common Good'? How do we stand for Biblical virtue and, as Wilberforce sought to do, make goodness 'fashionable again'. How do we lean into God's commitment to flourishing and partner with God in the Great Redemptive purposes that the Holy Spirit have revealed to us? And where the culture's definitions of flourishing have departed from the Biblical picture of the same ideas, how do we stand for truth courageously, graciously and firmly?
Let’s Talk… Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a topic that circles round and shows up in every persons life. We cannot escape it but what did Jesus mean when He commanded us to forgive others as we have been forgiven?
On Sunday morning, Pastor Carl will take time to explore this topic and at 6:30pm he will be joined by Dr. Janet Graham and Dani Johnston to further discuss forgiveness and what it means for us.
Let’s Talk… Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is present with us everywhere and we have the immense privilege to walk daily with Him, in step with His voice and His direction.
Join Becky Day and Pastor Sarah as they have a conversation about Worship.
“When I wake up in the morning, He is the first One that I think of”
— Elaine Simpson
Let’s Talk… Worship
Worship is such an integral part of our faith journey but what is Worship and how does what we do on a Sunday matter?
Join Elaine Simpson and Pastor Carl as they have a conversation about Worship.
“We don’t want to be a perfect church but we do want to be a healthy church.”
— Pastor Carl
Let’s Talk… Home
There are many words that describe The Church: bride, army, body and family but the term ‘family’ can be misunderstood. What does it look like for church to be a place to belong for everyone, a Home where everyone is welcome.
Join Andrea Rowe and Pastor Carl as they explore this really important topic.
“In the Bible gifts are described as being for the benefit of others and it’s no different when it comes to singleness [and marriage]”
— Donna Raddics
Let’s Talk… Singleness, Dating and Marriage
Join us for three 10 minute conversations looking at singleness, dating and marriage. What does the Bible say and what does this mean for us today as we follow Jesus?
Join Craig, Donna, Ben, Ashna and Carl as they explore this really important topic.
“Anxiety is a normal body function. Something that God has designed us with.”
— Rev. Janet Graham
Let’s Talk… Anxiety
Anxiety is not abnormal or unspiritual. If you struggle with anxiety, you are not a failure, you are normal but why doesn’t it always feel normal? This week as part of our Lets’ Talk conversation we’re going to look at anxiety.
Join Dani and PastorJanet as they explore this really important topic.